Roper Mountain Science Center Receives National Honor
Roper Mountain Science Center is the recipient of a Pinnacle Award from The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration. (CILC)
The Pinnacle Award recognizes CILC content providers from around the world who have received outstanding ratings on program evaluations completed by educators and activity directors. This year's winners represent museums, science centers, art galleries, zoos, aquariums, musicians, and authors. All have delivered remarkable quality educational content and demonstrated exceptional skill at program delivery.
The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration was founded in 1994 as a nonprofit organization with a mission to connect K-12 schools to museums, zoos and other cultural organizations. The CILC website was developed to easily identify quality programs, manage registration, and to evaluate interactive virtual experiences.
The Roper Mountain Science Center campus contains facilities for studying life and natural sciences, space and physical sciences. Among its facilities are the Living History Farm, the Darell W. Harrison Hall of Natural Sciences, the Simms Hall of Science, the T.C. Hooper Planetarium, and the Daniel Observatory.