Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Click image to view responses to frequent questions.Greenville County Schools is committed to creating a fair grading scale that allows every student to succeed.

Starting in the fall of 2016, all Greenville County middle schools will institute a grading floor of 50, meaning a 50 will become the lowest grade a student can receive for an assignment, test or project. Some middle schools have already implemented this scale, while other schools are in progress.

We believe a grading floor provides a more accurate reflection of a student’s overall learning. 

A grade of 50 is a failing grade.  It’s simply using the upper end of the F range.  Students will still be required to make up failing work so they can learn the material.

Grading Floor Response to Questions

Middle School Grading Floor Presentation to Committee of the Whole

Updated: 8/25/2016

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