Posted: Monday, February 24, 2014

Greenville County Schools is accepting teacher applications for Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher STEAM Middle School for the 2014-15 school year. Interested teachers are invited to attend an Information Meeting on Wednesday, February 26 from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. at J.L. Mann High Academy to learn more about available teaching positions.

PJFMS will be the first science, technology, engineering, ARTS, and math (STEAM) Middle School in Greenville County Schools. The new state-of-the art middle school is scheduled to open in August 2014 in the ICAR/Millennium Campus. PJFMS offers traditional core courses, as well as traditional related arts courses, but what makes PJFMS different is the combination of how and where these courses will be taught.

PJFMS students will be taught predominantly through the project-based learning model. Through projects, students learn academic content, practice 21st Century skills such as collaboration, communication and critical thinking and create high quality, authentic products and presentations.

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