GCS AA/AP Pool Open December 5, 2022 - January 20, 2023
Applications for the Greenville County Schools Administrative Assistant and Assistant Principal (AA/AP) Pool open December 5 and will close January 20, 2023. Any person with the required certification for Elementary or Secondary Principal or who will possess such certification before the 2023-2024 school year is encouraged to apply. All apply to Job ID# 14724 in the GCS online applicant system.
Requirements are here - INTERNAL NEW and EXTERNAL APPLICANTS -- Administrative Assistant/Assistant Principal (AA/AP) Pool
Currently serving GCS AAs or APs who want a transfer or promotion from AA to AP must also complete an online application per these requirements - CURRENTLY SERVING GCS Administrative Assistants and Assistant Principals.
INFORMATION SESSION: December 12, 2022, 4:30-5:30 via Zoom. New applicants will learn more about the AA/AP application, interview, and pool process. Register here - AA-AP Pool Information Session. Applicants are not required to attend this session in order to apply for the pool.
NOTE - This session is not intended for current GCS AAs or AP’s interested in a transfer or promotion from AA to AP.
All questions should be directed to adminpool@greenville.k12.sc.us