GCS Will Move to Attendance Plan 2 Effective September 8
Based on continued improvement to the Greenville County Spread Data metrics as reported by DHEC, and absent a dramatic and negative swing in spread data over the next week, Greenville County Schools will move to Attendance Plan 2 the week of September 7. Under this plan, students attend in-person school two days a week and are on eLearning the other three. Approximately 50% of students are in the building each day.
Because of the Labor Day holiday, students in the Blue and Green attendance groups will still only attend one day the first week (Wednesday), but all students will have an in-person day despite the holiday. Under Attendance Plan 2, the Blue and Green students attend in-person school on Monday and Wednesday, while Red and Purple students attend in-person on Tuesday and Thursday. All students are on eLearning on Friday.
GCS does not announce the Attendance Plan weekly. We only make announcements about the Attendance Plan when it changes. As a result, starting September 7, Attendance Plan 2 will be in effect until further notice. The goal of GCS remains a return to full-time, five-day-a-week attendance as soon as it is safe to do so.