Posted: Monday, March 5, 2018

Space Day #1Come JOURNEY TO OTHER WORLDS with us for SPACE DAY at Roper Mountain Science Center! We have partnered with organizations from across the Upstate to bring interactive exhibits and hands-on activities that will inspire, awe and motivate you to LOOK UP and CATCH THE VISION of aviators and astronomers from the past, present and future! There will be something for all ages! Space Day 2018 celebration will take place 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 10 at Roper Mountain Science Center.

Space Day #2Space Day 2018 is supported by NASA Headquarters (Washington, DC), NASA Solar System Ambassadors, NASA James Webb Telescope Operations, Clemson University, Greenville Technical College, University of South Carolina Upstate, Embry Riddle Aeronautics-Worldwide, Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI), Purdue Club Upstate SC, Wade Hampton High School, Byrnes High School Honors Aviation, and the Western Carolina Remote Control Skyhawks,

Space Day 2018 activities include:

Space Day #3 Space Day #4 Space Day #5

Shows and show times in the Hooper Planetarium:

Space Day hours 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is: $8 for Teens and Adults (ages 13-59); $7 for children (ages 4-12) and for senior citizens (age 60 and over). Free for children age 3 and under, RMSC members, and school district employees. All events are included in the general admission to the Center. All events are included in the general admission to the Center.

Location: 402 Roper Mountain Road Greenville SC 29615
General information: or 864-355-8906

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