Posted: Thursday, March 8, 2018

Greenville County Schools has released the 2018-19 academic calendar.  The first day of school for students is Monday, August 20, 2018, which is the first day South Carolina schools are allowed to begin the 2018-19 year per state law.  The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5, 2019. 

Students will not attend school on two professional development days, Monday, October 22 and Monday, November 5. The calendar committee recommended moving the fall professional development day from a Friday to a Monday. They also noted that moving the second professional development day to the Monday before the Election Day holiday on Tuesday, November 6, will allow students to have a four-day break.

The 2018-19 calendar includes two half-days for students.  They are Friday, December 21 and Wednesday, June 5.  Winter Break will be two full weeks and three weekends, December 24, 2018 – January 4, 2019.

Spring Break is scheduled for April 15-19, 2019.

The school makeup days, in order of use, are Monday, April 22 (makeup day #1), Monday, March 25 (makeup day #2) and Friday, March 22 (makeup day #3).  These days, sometimes called “snow days,” will remain as student and teacher holidays unless the District must close unexpectedly due to inclement weather or some other event.  Every time the District closes on a planned attendance day a makeup day becomes a student attendance day.

The Superintendent determines the school calendar after receiving recommendations from the Calendar Committee.  Those recommendations are based on State requirements, input from parent groups and school faculties, and other information such as testing windows set by the State Department of Education.

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