2018-2019 School Choice Lottery Results Posted
Space by Grade Level Will Later Determine Assignments
***** Click Here to Access Lottery Results *****
See link below for Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher MS Lottery Results
Greenville County Schools has posted the results of the Change in Assignment Choice Lottery. Lottery results provide the order of selection for each student for each requested school. Parents who applied during the Change in Assignment Choice Lottery Window can access their student’s information by using their choice form number. Students’ names are not listed. Requests submitted January 3, 2018 or later are not included in the lottery results.
The lottery order, step three of the process listed below, does not guarantee placement. Space by grade level will later determine school choice assignments. That information will be determined based on student projections for each school by grade. Student choice assignments will be determined and assignment letters sent to all parents no later than Friday, March 23, 2018. If a student is attending a GCS school, the letter will be sent home with the student. Others will be mailed.
Visit the School Choice Page for complete information.