Math Made Easy!
Elementary and middle school students will have some cool math tools at their fingertips as they learn to multiply and divide fractions, decimals and percentages. Thanks to a recent training session provided by the district, math teachers were able to enhance their own understanding using hands-on activities similar to what they will use with their students.
Janet Tomlinson, an instructor from Carnegie Learning, demonstrated how teachers can use decimal squares and hundred grids (small plastic blocks) to simplify multiplication and division. This year, teachers and students will also have digital models accessible on their Chromebooks and devices so they can do the work electronically.
“This is the best professional development I have ever been involved with,” said Terra Johns from Sevier Middle School. “It has pushed me to extend my personal mathematical thinking and challenged me to rethink what I am doing in my classroom.”
Earlier this summer Tomlinson conducted sessions around elementary-level geometry and middle/high school geometry.