Back to School Facts
By the Numbers:
- Students: 73,500
- Number of new students: 500
- Employees: 9250
- Teachers: 6000
- Number of new principals: 13
- Number of breakfasts served yearly: 3 million
- Number of lunches served yearly: 9 million
- Bus routes: 361
- Miles driven daily by buses: 37,000
- Miles driven yearly by buses: 6.5 million
What’s new:
- Personalized Learning: Ten schools begin phase one of Chromebooks for all students in grades 3-12
- Free Breakfast: Starting tomorrow EVERY student in Greenville County Schools is eligible for free breakfast
- Ninth grade exploratory: Freshmen will be allowed to attend a career center for the first time, they will sample eight career courses annually, two each quarter.
- Student run credit union: Starting September 20 a full service branch of the Greenville Federal Credit Union will be open inside the Greenville High School cafeteria. It will be supervised by a finance teacher and operated by 10 students.
- We hire about 400 new teachers each year because of retirement, population growth and new positions added. This year we added 33 reading interventionists for elementary schools. We added 10 special needs teachers and five special needs aides to reduce bus ride times for special needs students.
- We have 15 or fewer “professional” positions left to hire as of this moment. All elementary classroom teaching positions are filled! Long term subs have been secured for minimal vacancies at the middle and high school level so no classrooms will be without a teacher!
- Bus driver shortage. We are still facing a shortage of bus drivers. We need at least 40 drivers. We fear will have to double or triple routes the first few weeks of school. This may lead to late pick-ups and drop offs.