Posted: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sixth Grader is one of two students in South Carolina to Ace Duke University Test

Sixth grader Jillian Witbeck of Charles Townes Center at Sterling Sixth grader Jillian Witbeck of Charles Townes Center at Sterling is one of only two South Carolina students who received a perfect score in all four areas of the EXPLORE-ACT.

Witbeck was given the test by the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP).  Duke TIP honors academically-talented students nationwide for their exceptional scores on above-grade level tests.

Each year, Duke TIP’s 7th Grade Talent Search and its 4th-6th Grade Talent Search identifies students across the United States who have scored at or above the 95th percentile on a grade-level achievement test, and invites these academically talented students to take above-level tests to learn more about their abilities. Duke TIP then hosts annual recognition ceremonies to honor the students who scored the highest on their above-level exams.

This year, Duke TIP invited more than 8,200 fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students to take the EXPLORE test originally designed for 8th graders. Out of this number, 364 fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students scored at or above the 99th percent on the EXPLORE test and have been invited to attend a state recognition ceremony.

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