Posted: Tuesday, May 10, 2016

National School Nurse DayGreenville County Schools salutes our more than 150 school nurses on National School Nurse Day. The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) applauds the contributions school nurses make every day to improve the safety, health, and academic success of all students.

Greenville County Schools provides 150 nurses in more than 90 schools, achieving the national average of one nurse for every 750 students.

“Our nurses work in an environment that’s like an emergency room with no doctor,” said Cathie Storey, GCS Coordinator of Health Services. “That is why we look for someone who can react quickly and calmly in a serious situation.”

School nurses play a significant role in the health care in their school communities, as well as in modeling health and resiliency. That healthy children learn better is a simple truth, and school nurses work to remove barriers to learning. 

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