Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Greenville News article outlined differences in criminal charges reported by law enforcement and student disciplinary actions reported by schools for the State’s Persistently Dangerous Schools Report.  It is important to first point out that public schools are safe!  In fact, according to the United States Department of Justice statistics, school is the safest place for young people. Our parents agree with 92% stating that their child feels safe at school.

Reporting possible criminal violations is a responsibility taken seriously by GCS.  Any failure to report by an employee results in severe consequences including possible termination of employment.  Below are several reasons for the differences in reports for criminal charges and student disciplinary actions:

Not to be overlooked in any discussion about school safety are the many and varied efforts to keep our schools safe.  Safety protocols include locking exterior doors as standard practice (partial lockdown), safety drills on an ongoing basis, security cameras and alarm systems, and secure school entries that require school staff to grant access to visitors to enter the building holding area. In addition, all high and middle schools are staffed with at least one full-time school resource officer, and law enforcement officers (zone patrols) visit and check all other schools multiple times each day including unannounced inspections. Also, school administrators, front office personnel and other school personnel participate in safety training including crisis de-escalation and conflict resolution.

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