Greenville County Schools Recognized by United Way
Greenville County Schools, as well as 68 individual schools and 10 departments, were recognized by The United Way of Greenville County for their participation in and increased contributions to the 2015 campaign. Greenville County Schools contributed $621,450 to the campaign.
Award criteria are: 1) one or more Palmetto Society members; 2) $100 or more employee per capita; 3) 50% or more employee participation; 4) 50% of contributors give Fair Share; 5) 10% increase in employee giving.
Greenville County Schools
- Top 5 Campaigns Award - Employee and Corporate
- Top 5 Campaigns Award - Employees Only
Chairman’s Award (4 or more of award criteria met)
- AJ Whittenberg Elementary
- Fine Arts Center
- GCS – Instructional Technology
- GCS – Planning and Demographics
- Greenville Middle Academy
- Lake Forest Elementary
- Summit Drive Elementary
- Welcome Elementary
- Woodmont High
Campaign Award of Excellence (2 or more of award criteria met)
- AJ Whittenberg Elementary
- Alexander Elementary
- Armstrong Elementary
- Beck Academy
- Berea Elementary
- Berea Middle
- Bethel Elementary
- Blue Ridge Middle
- Brook Glenn Elementary
- Brushy Creek Elementary
- Bryson Elementary
- Bryson Middle
- Buena Vista Elementary
- Carolina High and Academy
- Chandler Creek Elementary
- Cherrydale Elementary
- Crestview Elementary
- Duncan Chapel Elementary
- East North Street Academy
- Eastside High
- Ellen Woodside Elementary
- Enoree Career Center
- Fine Arts Center
- Fisher Middle
- Fork Shoals School
- Fountain Inn Elementary
- GCS – Central Office
- GCS – Facilities Department
- GCS – Group Homes/RTFs
- GCS – Instructional Technology
- GCS – Lifelong Learning
- GCS – Planning & Demographics
- GCS – Special Ed Services
- Greenbrier Elementary
- Greenville Early College
- Greenville Middle Academy
- Greer High
- Greer Middle
- Grove Elementary
- Heritage Elementary
- Hillcrest Middle
- Hollis Academy
- Hughes Academy
- J. Harley Bonds Career
- Lake Forest Elementary
- Lakeview Middle
- League Academy
- Mauldin High
- Mauldin Middle
- Monarch Elementary
- Northwest Middle
- Oakview Elementary
- Paris Elementary
- Pelham Road Elementary
- Plain Elementary
- Ralph Chandler Middle
- Riverside Middle
- Roper Mountain Science Center
- Sara Collins Elementary
- Sevier Middle
- Simpsonville Elementary
- Stone Academy
- Summit Drive Elementary
- Tanglewood Middle
- Tigerville Elementary
- Travelers Rest High
- Wade Hampton High
- Washington Center
- Welcome Elementary
- West Greenville School
- Westcliffe Elementary
- Woodland Elementary
- Woodmont High
- Woodmont Middle
Campaign Award of Advancement (25% or more increase in employee participation)
- AJ Whittenberg Elementary
- Berea Middle
- Chandler Creek Elementary
- Crestview Elementary
- Gateway Elementary
- GCS – Group Homes/RTFs
- GCS – Lifelong Learning
- Greenville Early College
- Greenville Middle Academy
- Hillcrest Middle
- Lakeview Middle
- Mitchell Road Elementary
- Northwest Middle
- Roper Mountain Science Center
- Washington Center
- Welcome Elementary
Campaign Award of Advancement (25% or more increase in dollars raised)
- AJ Whittenberg Elementary
- Alexander Elementary
- Armstrong Elementary
- Berea Middle
- Chandler Creek Elementary
- Cherrydale Elementary
- Eastside High
- Enoree Career Center
- Fisher Middle
- Fountain Inn Elementary
- GCS – Alternative Education Programs
- GCS – Education Technology Services
- GCS- Instructional Technology
- GCS – Planning and Demographics
- GCS – Special Ed Services
- GCS – Transportation Department
- Greenville Middle Academy
- Greer High
- Hughes Academy
- Lake Forest Elementary
- Lakeview Middle
- League Academy
- Mitchell Road Elementary
- Northwest Middle
- Pelham Road Elementary
- Riverside Middle
- Simpsonville Elementary
- Welcome Elementary
- Westcliffe Elementary