Posted: Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Students to attend Greenville County College FairRepresentatives from more than 100 colleges and universities will attend a two day event hosted by Greenville County Schools.

Greenville County College Fair 2015 will be at the TD Convention Center on Monday, September 21 and Tuesday, September 22.

Juniors and seniors from Greenville County high schools will attend the College Fair during school time, between 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. on either Monday or Tuesday. Students can pick brochures and scholarship information and sign up for college mailing lists.

On Monday evening from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. parents are invited to attend four seminars. They can learn more about the college search and application process, the relationship between a college major and industry needs and get an in-depth look at scholarships and financial aid.

Click here for a list of the colleges being represented and for a detailed description of the seminars being offered.

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