Posted: Friday, October 24, 2014
Cadets Francis Burgess and Ashley Zucchi participated in recycling events that earned Berea High the South Carolina Green Steps Award.
Cadets Francis Burgess and Ashley Zucchi participated in recycling events that earned Berea High the South Carolina Green Steps Award.

Berea High School was recently recognized for their outstanding efforts in conservation and recycling with the South Carolina Green Steps Award! BHS AFJROTC cadets participated in the CONSERVATION Projects with weekly recycling of the entire campus, quarterly Adopt A Highway Litter Control Projects, quarterly campus beautification projects and semi-annual field trips to the Sonoco Recycling facility.

Steve McGaha and his vocational/agriculture students participated in the PROTECTION Project, turning landfill bound lumber into 20 large birdhouses to enhance wildlife on the Berea campus. Last year, the school’s AFJROTC was recognized by the Carolina Recycling Association as the Outstanding School Program for all of North and South Carolina.

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