Posted: Monday, February 10, 2014

Debbie Carrero, right, with Cristy Vogel, President SCFLTAAcademic Specialist Debbie Carrero is the recipient of the South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers Association (SCFLTA) Lifetime Achievement Award.

Mrs. Carrero has contributed significantly to the state’s numerous initiatives such as the development of standards, the high school world language program assessment and curriculum development.

The shift to performance-based instruction and assessment, as well as the move towards increased autonomous learning, self-assessment and learner goal-setting are challenges for teachers who have perceived their role to be the “sage on the stage” rather than the “guide on the side.” Mrs. Carrero’s work and leadership in professional development and learning communities make her uniquely qualified to guide teachers to use the backward design process to develop and deliver performance-based lessons and assessments.

In addition to overseeing the GCS foreign language program, Mrs. Carrero has the responsibility of programs such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate (IB), and magnet schools. She has considerable experience supporting language immersion programs in elementary and middle schools.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually to a world language educator who has demonstrated excellence in, as well as a dedication and commitment to, teaching and leadership in world language education. Awardees must have at least 15 years of experience in teaching or administration of world language programs and membership in the SCFLTA.

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