Finance Menu Finance 

The department provides leadership and guidance in support of schools and other District locations in the areas of:accounting and finance.

Accounts Payable

All payments for purchases made using District allocations are processed through the Accounting Services Department. Payments include those for purchased goods, services, employee travel, etc. Checks are issued each week. Forms 1099 are prepared annually. For questions, contact us at

Accounts Receivable and Billing

The Accounting Services Department reviews accounts receivable aging schedules for customers who are not paying their invoices timely. Invoices are created and sent to schools for expenditures paid by the District on their behalf (procurement card transactions, sales/use tax transactions, local funds purchases, etc.)

Attendance Reporting

The District receives state funding based on student enrollment for the 45thday and the 135thday of school. Accounting Services reviews the data prior to submission to the state and compiles a summary report of Average Daily Membership (ADM), Average Daily Attendance (ADA), and Enrollment in the District based on data for the following milestone days of school: 15th, 45th, 90th, 135th, and 180thday.

Audit Liaison

Accounting Services Department serves as the District liaison with Internal Audit Department to include review of audit reports, development of management response for findings, and assist in implementation of approved recommendations. Also, Accounting Services Department assures the successful completion of the annual external financial audit which includes the generation and publishing of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Capital Projects

The Long Range Facilities Plan and Capital Improvement Program provides for construction of additional schools to meet growth, renovation projects to extend the useful life of facilities, modifications to schools to accommodate growth and academic changes, and maintenance of facilities. The Capital Projects fund is used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned for expenditures of capital outlay related to site acquisitions, construction, equipment and renovation of all major capital facilities of the School District.

Debt Service

The Debt Service Fund is used to account for and report the financial transactions of bond and short term debt. General Obligation bonds are sold annually to fund Capital Project expenditures and the payment of Building Equity for Tomorrow Installment Purchase Revenue bonds.

Fixed Assets Inventory

The District follows the capitalization policies established by the Federal Government. Currently, the threshold for machinery and equipment is $5,000 and construction/renovation is $100,000. Other equipment,with a cost of $250 to $5,000, is recorded in the Asset Management System as inventory and not capitalized or depreciated. Individual physical inventories are performed by each location twice annually.

Financial Reporting

Financial Transaction Register or transparency reports are prepared monthly and posted on the District’s Finance webpage. Annually the Administrative Cost Report is also prepared and posted on the Finance Department webpage. Monthly financial reports are compiled in Accounting Services for the monthly Board financial report presentation. As a part of the annual external audit, a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is published. The District has received the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Also, the District has received the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting.

General Ledger Accounting

The District uses a system of accounting that complies with applicable State Department of Education regulations and state statutes. The District also adheres to any accounting industry standards and Federal Office of Management and Budget pronouncements. The District is audited annually by external auditors and periodically by State, Federal and the District’s internal auditor.

Investments and Cash Flow

Investments are made in accordance with South Carolina law. Safety of principal is the first criterion of all investments. In January of each year, a letter is sent to all Greenville County banks with which the district does not have investment relationship at that time to express the District’s interest in investing with the institution and to notify of the District’s procedures related to the investment program. Bids are solicited on each investment. Cash flow is monitored and transfers of funds made to ensure enough cash is on hand to fund disbursements for payroll and accounts payable transactions.

Online Payment Program

The Accounting Services Department administers the online payment program, MySchoolBucks, for the District. The program allows parents to pay for specific items on-line. Many schools are currently utilizing this program, however, it will be available to more schools in the future.

Outside Support Organization

Procurement Card Program

Administration of the procurement card program for the School District is handled in the Accounting Services Department. Accounting Services provides general supervision of the procurement card program, including account set-up, closing, limitations and controls of accounts (application of Merchant Category Code restrictions), account maintenance, and interface into the general ledger. Accounting Services handles questions and problems associated with the procurement cards.

Student Activity Funds

Student Activity Funds for the most part are student generated. Each school maintains a separate bank account and ledger to account for each Principal approved transaction. The Accounting Services Department provides accounting oversight to each school as sound and proper fiscal management of student activity funds is critical.

Vendor Services

The Accounting Services Department maintains the vendor data base for the School District. To be set up as a vendor, individuals and businesses are asked to complete the District’s Alternate W9 form. This form can be found on the District’s Finance webpage under Finance forms.

Business Services Department Staff

Terese K. McSharry, Director of Business Services
355-1175 |

Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Billing, Financial Reporting, General Ledger Accounting

Alillian Trull, Financial Officer
355-1180 |

Annette Bell, Sr. Accounts Payable Specialist
355-3146 |

Bonita Pierce, Sr. Accounting Assistant
355-1178 |

Kimberlie Hannah, Accounts Payable Specialist
355-1193 |

Teresa Poinsette, Sr. Accounting Assistant
355-1195 |

Financial Services

Kim Fullwood, Financial Analyst
355-0845 |

Fixed Assets Inventory, Procurement Card Program, Student Activity Funds

Cynthia Niswonger, Coordinator
355-1172 |

Rachel Garner, Pupil Activity Accountant
355-1176 |

Becky Hensley, Lead Secretary/Bookkeeper

Tobie WellsSecretary/Bookkeeper Substitute |

Doug Chappell, Pupil Activity Accountant
355-1174 |

Lindsay WilkinsExtended Day Program Financial Accountant
355-7358 |

Laurette Saffy, Financial Accountant
355-1179 |

Attendance Reporting, Investments and Cash flow, On-Line Payment program, Vendor Services

Stephanie DuBoisFinancial Analyst
355-1164 |

Michelle Whitmire, Accounting Assistant
355-1181 |

Capital Projects

Amanda Abrams, Construction Accountant
355-7783 |

Jennifer SloperConstruction Analyst
355-7782 |