Title I

Title I is the largest program of federal funding in education signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson. President Johnson recognized the extremely difficult problem that children throughout the country were having with their reading and mathematics. In an effort to help them catch up, extra attention, materials, and teachers were provided by the Elementary Secondary Education Act, Title I (ESEA).

Title I can help parents understand their child and be more involved in the child's education. Within the Title I program, the parents have rights that they should be aware of. Parents have the right to see progress reports on their child and their school. Parents can request information about their child's teacher's qualifications. Parents also have the right to help decide if Title I is meeting their child's needs.

Where We Are...

The purpose of Title I is to assist schools in improving student achievement, staff development, and parental involvement. All public schools receiving Title I funds are district schools operating under Schoolwide Programs. Schools utilize Title I funds to enhance the regular district instructional program. Schools use funds to:

Would you like to learn more about the education system in South Carolina? Please visit this site that was created to inform, educate, and empower parents, stakeholders and civic/business leaders to take action towards a brighter education future in South Carolina. 

If you have questions regarding Title I or if you would like our Title I Facilitator to contact you, please email Trena Alexander at talexand@greenville.k12.sc.us or call her at 864-355-2939 and she will get back with you within 24 hours. 

Our Parent Involvement Coordinator is Erika Palacio and can be reached at (864) 355-2975 or epalacio@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Title I Resources

Title I Documents

The following Title I documents are available to view. If you would like to make any additions and/or changes or if you have any questions, email Trena Alexander at talexand@greenville.k12.sc.us

Title I Planning 

  Title I Planning  Title I Planning SPANISH

Title I Planning Members