Allocation Ratios
Current allocation ratios are 1:25 for kindergarten (with an assistant); 1:21.5 for grades 1-3; 1:25.5 for grades 4-5; 1:21 for middle schools, and 1:22 for high schools.
Greenville County Schools
301 E. Camperdown Way
Greenville, South Carolina 29601
Phone: 864-355-3100
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm
(Summer M-Th 7:30-5:30)
Current allocation ratios are 1:25 for kindergarten (with an assistant); 1:21.5 for grades 1-3; 1:25.5 for grades 4-5; 1:21 for middle schools, and 1:22 for high schools.