Posted: Friday, March 4, 2016

AMRES ProgramThe online nomination process for the ARMES (Arts Reaching Middle and Elementary Schools) Program for the 2016-17 school year is open. Current second through seventh grade students may be nominated by a teacher, parent, other adult, self, or peer. All interested students must have an online nomination form completed by April 18, 2016 to be eligible for the program.

The ARMES Program is tuition-free. All classes are offered twice a week, after school for the school year. Students selected into the ARMES program are identified and coded as Gifted and Talented Artistic at their school. ARMES Dance, Strings and Visual Arts classes are offered at the Fine Arts Center. ARMES Drama classes are held at the Sterling School. The ARMES Strings program also has a beginning level for students which does not require previous experience playing a stringed instrument.

Please print the nomination form before you click the submit button. Once a nomination is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation. If there is a problem with your nomination in our system, your printed email confirmation will serve as proof of nomination. Parents will be notified by email of their student’s audition date, time and location by May 2, 2016.

To apply to the ARMES program, visit​.

Students selected into the ARMES program are identified and coded as Gifted and Talented Artistic at their school. ARMES Drama classes are held at the Sterling School. ARMES Strings program also has a beginning level for students which does not require previous experience playing a stringed instrument. ARMES Dance, Strings and Visual Arts classes are offered at the Fine Arts Center.

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