Posted: Friday, June 5, 2015

Cheryl Johnson, Director of Parent, School, and Community Engagement; Susan Griffin, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education Services; Pat Carson, Michele Jordan, Alison Fleahman, Susan Howard, and Linda Patterson; Director of Related Services Bill Rynn; Elizabeth Philips; Thomasina Williams; Leigh Whitaker; Kristi Harding; Cathy Richards; ‘Vanessa Meane; and Deitre Helvy.

Greenville County Schools’ Special Education Team was on hand Friday for the ADA Legacy Tour Bus visit to Fluor Field. The event featured a resource fair showcasing local disability service providers and included presentations of proclamations supporting ADA from Greenville County and the cities of Greenville, Greer, Simpsonville, and Travelers Rest. Keynote speaker was Martha Childress, a University of South Carolina student whose life was changed in 2013 when she was struck by a bullet while waiting for a taxi in the Five Points Entertainment District in Columbia. Her injury left her a T-11 complete paraplegic. Awareness and accessibility have now become key components of Martha’s message as she navigates the world ahead.

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