Child Find Procedures

Greenville County Schools (GCS) has in effect several policies and procedures to ensure that the school district will identify, locate, and evaluate all children residing in the county with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services. This includes all children ages 3 to 21 who attend public or private schools; those who are home schooled; those who are homeless or are wards of the state. Child Find Activities implemented in GCS include screening and general education intervention.


A screening process, which may lead to a more comprehensive assessment is provided through Child Find at Greenview Child Development Center or MT Anderson Support Center, depending on grade level of child. Parents can obtain additional information about this process by contacting 452-0093 or by using the following links:

Child Find Brochure Child Find folleto

General Education Intervention

A general education intervention process for children kindergarten through grade 12 is provided at each school site by the school's MTSS On Track Team. The purpose of general education intervention is to intervene for any child who is presenting academic, behavior, functional, or medical concerns that are significantly impacting the student's access to the curriculum or school activities. This intervention leads to a better understanding of the supports students need in order to be successful in the general education curriculum and school setting. The data collected during general education intervention assists the On Track Team in determining if the student may need to be referred for a comprehensive evaluation and/or referred to the 504 Team for consideration of eligibility under Section 504. Parents must be provided with notice of their child's referral to the On Track Team. Teachers are typically the first staff communicating with the parent and outlining the next steps in the OnTrack process. Parents can also speak with the school psychologist assigned to their child’s school by calling the school’s main office. 

Parental Rights in the Child Find Process

Child Find Procedures

The Child Find process is a collaborative one with school personnel working in conjunction with parents to locate, evaluate, and identify children who may need special education and related services. Children in need of special education services or an accommodation for a disability should be identified in a timely manner. If the child is referred for a comprehensive evaluation, informed parental consent must be obtained prior to beginning the evaluation. The initial evaluation must be conducted within 60 calendar days of receiving parental consent for the evaluation.

Procedures for New Students Eligible for Special Education Services or 504 Accommodation Plans

As part of the enrollment process for new students entering GCS, parents are required to complete an enrollment form on his/her child. The Student Enrollment Form (See links below) includes several questions inquiring of the student's need for Student Support Services. According to district policy, school personnel will review the Student Enrollment Form and immediately notify appropriate school and district personnel regarding the provision of special education services (IEP) or a 504 Accommodation Plan. When school personnel are notified of the student's previous special education or 504 eligibility, they will secure available information from the sending school for the purpose of developing and implementing an IEP or 504 Plan.

Student Enrollment Forms