Hello, and welcome to the 2023-2024 Extended Day Program!
We are so excited to offer the Extended Day Program to our students again this year! Below are a few updates as we kick off the school year:
Please read the newly revised EDP Parent Handbook. Many policies have changed, including pick up procedures. Please familiarize yourself with these new policies. You will be asked to sign a confirmation that you have received the handbook upon picking up your child the first week.
We will call for all EDP students to come to the cafeteria for snack each day at 3:30pm.
New this year: You will pick your child up from the 6/7 Car Loop. You don’t even have to get out of your car! We will bring the sign out sheet directly to your window. When you arrive, please be prepared to show your I.D. to ensure the safety of our students. If someone other than a previously authorized person will be picking up your child, this person must be listed on your registration form.
Please plan to pay the first and second week tuition for EDP no later than Friday, August 11th.This will be the only week that 2 payments are required. As a reminder, all fees must be paid on time at least one week in advance. Fees for the coming week must be paid by closing time on Friday. Please see the updated fees for 23-24 below.
Our program operates on regular school days only (no teacher workdays, half days, or early dismissal days), and the hours are from 3:15 to 6:00. Students are provided snacks, homework supervision, recreation, computer time, and special activities. Weekly fees are listed below. Students may register as full-time (3 or more days a week) or part time (one or two days a week).
Weekly Extended Day Fees
A one-time per year, non-refundable registration fee of $40 per family will be required. If the child transfers to another school where a program exists, the $40 fee must be paid again to that school. Weekly fees apply for the program and are as follows:
1 Child
Weekly: $50
Half Week: $31
Daily: $20
2 Children
Weekly: $80
Half Week: $56
Daily: $31
3 Children
Weekly: $106
Half Week: $82
Daily: $43
4 Children
Weekly: $132
Half Week: $106
Daily: $56
5 Children
Weekly: $154
Half Week: $130
Daily: $69
EDP Payments can be made online through MySchoolBucks