Extended Day Program

Program Director: Genia Swilling864-355-6889

Pay Registration Fee

Mauldin Middle School is pleased to offer an Extended Day Program. This program is held Monday through Friday from 3:30 PM until 6:00 PM. Students who take part will be supervised by a teacher, provided with a snack, and given the opportunity to complete homework assignments prior to having free time.

Applicants must complete and submit an EDP Registration Form and pay the $40 registration fee (through MySchoolBucks or by cash/check to the school) will have a spot reserved in the program. Students are not assured a spot in the program until the school has received registration and payment and verification has been received. 

Parents can pay the $40 registration fee with cash/check to the school, or online via MySchoolBucks. Parents using MySchoolBucks, please note that there is a 4.25% processing fee.

We look forward to providing a safe, pleasant, and enriching program for our students!

Our program operates on regular school days only (no teacher workdays, half days, or early dismissal days), and the hours are from 3:30 to 6:00. Students are provided snacks, homework supervision, recreation, computer time, and special activities. Weekly fees are listed below. Students may register as full time (3 or more days a week) or part time (one or two days a week).

Weekly Extended Day Fees

A one-time per year, non-refundable registration fee of $40 per family will be required. If the child transfers to another school where a program exists, the $40 fee must be paid again to that school. Weekly fees apply for the program and are as follows:

1 Child

1 Day: $21.00

2 Days: $32.00

3+ Days: $52.00

2 Children

1 Day: $32.00

2 Days: $58.00

3+ Days: $83.00

3 Children

1 Day: $45.00

2 Days: $85.00

3+ Days: $110.00

4 Children

1 Day: $58.00

2 Days: $110.00

3+ Days: $137.00

5 Children

1 Day: $71.00

2 Days: $135.00

3+ Days: $159.00

Payments for the Extended Day Program are due no later than Friday by closing time for the week. If payment is made late, a $25 late fee will apply.

Failure to pay will result in the child being withdrawn from the program. If there is a problem with checks being returned, the director will require that payments be made in cash. Parents may not be indebted to the program. The fee must be paid even if your child does not attend for any reason.

In EDP, parents will pay for what they sign up for. No reductions for sick leave or other absences will be made. No monetary refunds will ever occur for any reason.

EDP Schedule

 Time  Activity
 3:30  Students dismissed to the cafeteria
 3:30 - 4:15  Snack and down time
 4:15 - 5:00  Homework
 5:00 - 6:00  Gym/Outside/Games/Free Time


Please note that students will be picked up at the 6th/7th Grade Car Loop. Students will never be allowed to leave without being signed out by a parent or approved driver.

Please be mindful that the EDP program ends promptly at 6:00 PM. For every minute after 6:00, a $2.00/minute late fee will be applied to the next week’s fee.

EDP Guidelines

The Extended Day Program is not a drop-in program. There is no “pay as you use the program”.

Program hours are from 3:30-6:00 PM on full school days only. Do not pick-up before 4:00 PM once your child has entered the program. Your child should be a car or bus rider if picking up earlier than 4:00 PM.

Only authorized adults are allowed to pick up children. If someone comes in to pick up a child and that person’s name is not on the pick-up list, they will not be allowed to leave the school with the child until a parent has been contacted and has given verbal permission to release the child to that adult.

All fees are due regardless of whether or not your child attends. There are no reductions for sick leave or other absences.

If you owe any fees for this year and/or have consistently been behind in your payments and if withdrawal notice is not given, your EDP registration for the next school year will not be accepted.

Our program will not operate:

Students are expected to follow the program rules and complete homework in a quiet manner. Students need to be sure they have their homework before leaving the classroom. They are not allowed to return to other classrooms.

Extended Day teachers do not tutor. If your child needs extended help with homework, please contact the child’s teacher.

Inappropriate student behavior will not be tolerated in the Extended Day Program. Chronic/serious behavior will be recorded and be referred to the school principal if the director, student, and parent cannot successfully correct the problem. This may result in the child being removed from the Extended Day Program. All children are expected to follow the normal school rules found in the Mauldin Middle School Handbook.

Withdrawal from the program requires written two-week notice. When notice is given, two more weekly fees are due. No withdrawals will be permitted after the second week in May.