
If you have a last minute transportation change, please call the front office at 864-355-7199 to speak directly with someone. DO NOT leave any transportation changes on voicemail or email.

In addition to car and bus transportation, we do have a number of daycares who pick up students directly from Oakview each day. You may contact the daycares directly for more information. View the Daycares Who Pick Up List

By Car

Carline Traffic Flow Map

Kindergarten Entrance

K5, 1st and 2nd grade students should be dropped off and picked up at the kindergarten entrance. The doors at this entrance are kept locked until the Safety Patrols report for duty at 7:15 am. For safety purposes, only students are allowed to enter these doors in the mornings. 

All cars arriving at the kindergarten entrance for K5-2nd grade must ENTER and EXIT from Batesville Road. Cars may NOT enter from Roper Mountain Road and turn left into the kindergarten entrance. Those doing so may be ticketed by the Greenville County Sheriff's Department.


Main Entrance

3rd, 4th and 5th grade students and their younger siblings may be dropped off and picked up at the main entrance. These doors open at 7:00am. For safety purposes, do not release students from your vehicle until the school lights come on and you see a staff member at the front door.

Students arriving for breakfast should report to this entrance. Snacks, birthday treats, projects, etc. can be dropped off at the front office. Parents and visitors are reminded to use the crosswalk when walking to the front office.

For the safety of the students, the following traffic rules are to be obeyed during the arrival and dismissal of students:

  • During the afternoon pick-up, district policy requires that all authorized adults present the appropriate tag for scanning when driving through the car line. 
  • Drive all the way to the crosswalk where the staff member is holding a STOP sign.
  • Stay in a single line. Please do not pass cars during arrival or dismissal.
  • Students should leave and enter cars only from the right side.
  • Obey safety patrols; they are for your child's safety.
  • Remind students to cross only at the crosswalk where there is a school crossing guard or teacher. Please do not drop off in the parking lot at the crosswalk.

Students that have not been picked up by 2:30 are moved to the front lobby and must be signed out from the front office by a parent or guardian.

By Bus

All students who wish to ride the bus must be registered. Please download the request form below, complete it and return it via email or  to the front office. Paper forms are also available at the school.

2024-25 Transportation Request Form

Parents of bus riders in K5 and 1st grade must also sign the Bus Tag Application Form that shows agreement to have a parent/guardian or 4th/5th grade student designee at the stop with the official dismissal card in order for the bus driver to release the child. Read more on the full rules for the tag program.

As an extension of the classroom, the Student Behavior Code applies on all school buses. Learn the safety rules

Ridership status and/or bus stops are subject to cancellation after five (5) consecutive school days of no ridership. If your child will be absent from bus service for more than five (5) days and you’d like to keep their status active, please notify the school office. Students must ride at least once every five (5) days in order to remain active.

Buses are subject to arrive 10 minutes before or after the scheduled time.

Oakview buses are coordinated through the Golden Strip Bus Center. Concerns regarding the buses, driver, or lost items should be directed to them at 864-355-4990.

New School Year Requests

Bus requests received after July 8, 2024 will not be routed for the first day of school. Transportation for late forms will be implemented in the order in which they were received by the Transportation Office beginning the first Tuesday in September.  After the first Tuesday in September and during the school year, it may take up to 5 school days to establish transportation.

Transportation for late forms will be implemented in the order in which they were received by the Transportation Office beginning the first Tuesday in September. After the first Tuesday in September and during the school year, it may take up to 5 school days to establish transportation.