From Our Counselors
Our mission in the School Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. School counseling services can contribute to the personal growth, educational development, and emotional well-being of students. Research suggests that counseling services can have long-term effects on a child's well-being, prevent a student from turning to violence, and improve a student's academic achievement. Studies on the effects of school counseling have shown positive effects on students' grades, reducing classroom disruptions, and enhancing teachers' abilities to manage classroom behavior effectively.

Our school counselors are Adriane Rabren and Kathy Taylor. They are available for individual counseling on an as needed basis with students through parent, student, or teacher requests. Small group counseling is done with parental approval on topics such as Friendship, Changing Families, Study Skills, and Grief. Other groups will be held for any additional concerns that may arise. Parent conferences and consultations with teachers are held as necessary. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Kathy Taylor at 355-7103 or or Adriane Rabren at 355-7104 or
English Course Information
English Strategies:
- Teacher Recommendation
- 5th grade MAP RIT scores
English Studies:
- Teacher Recommendation
- 5th grade MAP RIT scores of 213-236 in reading
English GT 6
- Identified as Gifted and Talented by the district
Math Course Information
Math 6
- Students who do not qualify for Math 6/7/8 or Math 6/7 will be placed in Math 6
Math 6/7
- 230 or higher on 5th grade fall MAP (236 on Spring MAP)
- "A" cumulative average in 5th grade Math
- Teacher recommendation
- (based on work ethic, motivation, affinity for mathematical reasoning and problem solving, and computational proficiency)
Math 6/7/8
- 235 or higher on 5th grade fall MAP (241 on Spring MAP)
- "A" average each quarter in 5th grade Math
- Teacher recommendation (based on work ethic, motivation, affinity for mathematical reasoning and problem solving, and computational proficiency)