Our objective is to provide safe pick-up and drop-off procedures for the children while maintaining an orderly flow of traffic. Parents must follow the directions of school personnel as they oversee daily traffic patterns and the safety of students. We urge all parents to drive slowly and carefully, using extreme caution and follow all directional signs and printed maps! Students that have not been picked up by 2:35 are moved to the front lobby and must be signed out by a parent or guardian.

View Traffic Flow Map


For the safety of the students, the following traffic rules are to be obeyed during the arrival and dismissal of students:

1. All cars arriving at the kindergarten entrance for K5-2nd grade must ENTER and EXIT from Batesville Road. Cars may NOT enter from Roper Mountain Road and turn left into the kindergarten entrance. Those doing so may be ticketed by the Greenville County Sheriff's Department.

2. During the afternoon pick-up, district policy requires that all authorized adults present the appropriate tag for scanning when driving through the car line.

3. Drive all the way to the crosswalk where the staff member is holding a STOP sign.

4. Stay in a single line. Please do not pass cars during arrival or dismissal.

5. Students should leave and enter cars only from the right side.

6. Obey safety patrols; they are for your child's safety.

7. Remind students to cross only at the crosswalk where there is a school crossing guard or teacher. Please do not drop off in the parking lot at the crosswalk.

8. Students are to sit quietly (by grade levels or with siblings) and look for their car. Students may not go back in the building. All school rules apply.