Transportation and Safety Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
To assure the safety of students arriving at and departing from school, we ask the cooperation of all drivers, walkers, and bike riders in following all signs pertaining to the orderly flow of traffic.
General Dismissal Information:
- No dismissal after 2:00pm
- No dismissal from the front of the building by adults walking up and asking for their child
- Car riders are dismissed from the front of the building
- Yellow and Orange walkers will be dismissed from separate locations of the building and will be walked by staff to the crossing guards and must use sidewalks
- Adults should wait for their children at the crossing guard location rather than at exits for walkers at the building
- Bus riders and daycare vans are dismissed in the bus circle
- YMCA walkers will be dismissed to a YMCA representative and will be walked to the YMCA
Car Drivers:
- Always observe one-way signs when entering and leaving the school grounds. Do not drive through the parking area unless you park in a designated parking place and accompany your child into the school building.
- Children must get out of cars on the school side of the car, and directly against the curb.
- At dismissal time, children must enter the car directly from the curb.
- No patrol member or safety helper will permit students to leave the curb and cross in front of cars to enter their car.
- We must have one line of traffic entering the school grounds to pick up children. Please observe the moving traffic before pulling away from the curb.
- Make a single line in the lane closest to the sidewalk.
- Pull down as far as possible.
- Do not park.
- Do not leave your car.
- Display your Hollis issued CAR HANGER number prominently from your rear-view mirror. In the event that you do not have your car hanger number, you will be directed to park your car in the parking lot until car dismissal has concluded and then come back through the line after all the cars with hangers have been through the line.
- No left turns at the exit of school property between 7:15am-8:00am, and 2:30pm- 3:00pm.
- If a car line exists, you must go to the end of the car line.
Snow/ Inclement Weather/ Emergencies:
(Listen to local radio and television stations, also look for information on our Hollis Academy homepage and social media accounts) The closing of school due to extremely bad weather or other severe emergencies will be announced on all local radio and television stations.
Radio Stations: WJMZ-FM 107.3, WFBC-FM 93.7, WSSL-FM 100.5, WESC-AM 660, WESC-FM 92.5, WSPA-FM 99, WGVL-AM 1440, WHYZ-AM 1070
TV Stations: WSPA TV7, WYFF TV4, Fox 21
Please do not call the school for information, but listen to these stations and make appropriate arrangements for your child.
School Bus Transportation:
Bus transportation to and from school is provided by the state for all children who live more than 1.5 miles from the school. Parents must provide transportation for children who live less than 1.5 miles from school.
The driver of the school bus is in full charge of the pupils and the bus. His/her relationship with the pupils will be on the same plan as that expected by a teacher. Pupils will obey the driver cheerfully and promptly. The right of all pupils to ride on the bus is conditioned to their good behavior and observance of the rules and regulations. Safety demands complete cooperation.
Riding a school bus is a privilege to students and can be removed at any time for disruptive or unsatisfactory conduct. All bus riders will receive "Regulations for School Bus Riders" during the first week of school. Parents are asked to review these rules with their children.