Hollis Dress Code
- Student dress and grooming will be neat and clean.
- Shoes or sandals will be worn. Flip-flops (shower-type shoes) and Heelys (skate-type) are not permitted. Flashing lights on shoes are not permitted.
No bare midriff shirts or blouses will be permitted.
- No tank tops, spaghetti strap tops, halter-tops, or vests without shirts will be permitted. Shoulder straps have to be a minimum of 1 inch wide.
- No see-through or mesh garments may be worn.
- Hats, sunglasses, hair curlers, skullies, or do-rags may not be worn.
- No clothing or jewelry will be permitted that displays profanity, suggestive phrases, alcohol, tobacco, drug advertisements or other inappropriate phrases or symbols.
- Shorts may be worn; however, they must be properly fitted and in good taste and may not be shorter than mid-thigh. Biker shorts or athletic shorts of any kind are not permitted.
- Skirts should fit and be in good taste and not be shorter than mid-thigh.
- Clothing that inappropriately exposes body parts, underclothing or ripped clothing is not permitted. Trousers/slacks/shorts must be worn at waist level. Because of safety reasons, excessively baggy trousers and clothing are not permitted.
- Hair color/styles is not permitted if it causes a disruption to the learning in the classroom.
- Clothing may not drag the floor.
- Extraneous articles hanging from clothing, such as chains or other articles are considered inappropriate, and will not be permitted.
- Facial jewelry is only permitted to be worn on the ears.
The administration will make the final judgement on the appropriateness of clothing and/or appearance and reserves the right to prohibit students from wearing any article of clothing or other items which lead to or may in the foreseeable future result in the disruption of or interference with the school environment. In the event the administration determines a students' dress is inappropriate for school in accordance with this policy, the administration will either require the student to change or will inform the student not to wear the garment to school again. Repeated violations of the Dress Code will be treated as disruptive behavior in violation of the District's Behavior Code.
* All parents should review Greenville County Schools student behavior code policy JCDA located on the district website.