Sexual Health and Responsibility Semester 2

The Sexual Health and Responsibility Education Unit will be taught second semester January 17th - January 30th by the district health educators to students currently enrolled in PE I. A general overview and outline of the district’s age-appropriate, abstinence-based sexual health & responsibility education curriculum can be viewed on the district website under the Students & Parents Heading then scrolling to the Comprehensive Health & Physical Education link. Complete details including the slide presentation and videos can be previewed at the school anytime during the school day if you would like to view it. If you do not want your child to participate in the sexual health & responsibility education class or a specific portion of the class, you must bring the signed exemption form to the front office in person. By School Board Policy and SC Comprehensive Health Education Law, students who exempt sexual health & responsibility education will be required to complete other health-related self-study lessons.  

Comprehensive Health & Physical Education

Exemption Form

Student Parking


The student parking lot at TRHS is reserved for staff and students who have purchased a valid TRHS parking pass. To park on campus, students must display their parking pass clearly from their rearview mirror at all times.

Each parking spot is assigned to a specific student, and it must match the parking pass. Students who park without a valid pass or in the wrong space may be fined up to $25.

If your vehicle information has changed recently, please notify Mr. Sharpless promptly at

For more information on how to purchase a TRHS parking pass, please visit our website and look under the Students tab. Let’s work together to ensure the parking process runs smoothly for everyone!

Thank you for your cooperation!

College & Career Ready Assessments

College and Career

Exam Schedule

Exam Schedule Clip Art 
Parents and Students, please use the link below to access the first-semester exam schedule.

1st Semester Exam Schedule

Welcome Center News

Welcome Sign

Attention Parents, Students, and TRHS Visitors:

This is a friendly reminder that our Welcome Center is unable to accept food or floral deliveries for students. However, if a student forgets an essential item for school, parents are welcome to drop it off at the Welcome Center. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Seat Time Recovery

Dear TRHS Parents, Guardians, & Students

TRHS will begin offering seat-time recovery next week to any student who is in danger of earning one or more Failure Due to Absence (FA) in a Q1, Q2, and/or semester 1 course. Students who owe seat-time will receive a letter communicating their need to attend seat-time recovery or submit medical documentation for their absences to the attendance office.

The cost is $5.00 per hour. Your child may sign up and pay in the bookkeepers office at Travelers Rest High School Monday-Friday no later than 2:00pm. No refunds will be granted. CASH ONLY. Once payment is received, a contract will be provided to your student. Students must present the contract and a picture I.D. before being admitted to Seat Time Recovery. If a student fails to do so, he/she will not be admitted and will not receive a refund. Students should arrive on time. Students who have questions regarding their absences may see their grade level administrator.

TRHS will be offering seat time Recovery on the dates listed below. Saturday sessions begin at 8:00 am and end at 2:00 pm. Tuesdays and Wednesday sessions begin at 4:00 pm and end at 7:00 pm.

November: 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 26th, 30th 

December: 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th 

Students must know the exact date(s) and total hours they need to make up before signing up with the bookkeeper. Having this information ready ensures the process runs smoothly and avoids delays. Thank you for your cooperation!

After School Tutoring

Tutoring Flyer