World Languages

World Languages Department Information


The World Language Department strives to expand student knowledge of diverse cultures and peoples and promote world peace and a greater understanding of others and ourselves through the study of language. By reading, writing, speaking, and listening students become immersed in the language. While integrating technology into the classes, the well traveled and enthusiastic teachers make the language learning more authentic and connected to real life situations.



The state of South Carolina requires one unit of a World Language (or Occupational Education) to receive a diploma.  Most colleges and universities require a minimum of two to three years of the same language but recommend more. Commonly, colleges require world language classes as part of typical course study, but offer a placement exam where students can exempt out of language study. By continuing world language at the high school level, students increase the likelihood of testing out of the world language requirement at the college level.


World Language Offerings and Flowchart:

While students receive credit for earning a 60 or above, advancement to the next level is only recommended with a 70 or better as language learning is a cumulative process. To be placed into the Honors classes at the upper levels, students must earn an 86 or higher in the previous level.


WL Offerings and Flowchart