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Safety Patrol - What is Safety Patrol?

Safety Patrol is a student organization dedicated to school leadership, student welfare and traffic safety.  Safety Patrol members assist students in loading and unloading at carpool, and monitoring school doors or hallways.  Safety Patrol is comprised of 5th grade students who have shown excellent leadership skills within their classroom and the school.


Meal Menus

S.T.A.R. Motto

Student Handbook


CCE News Crew

The Chandler Creek Elementary Morning News Crew is made up of 5th grade students.  These students apply and then audition for the parts of anchor, lunch and weather reporter, Pledge of Allegiance leader, cameraman, and technology specialist.  These students are committed to working together each morning to present the news to our school.  We rotate news crew students so multiple students have an opportunity to serve our school. 

CCE News Crew MembersPhoenix