Upcoming Events

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.


Fountain Inn High School Curriculum Night

ACCESS for ELLs Testing Dates:

ACCESS for ELLs Testing Dates and Start Times**
February 3-4: Listening and Reading
Groups A-I (gr6-7): Feb. 3 at 8:40 (Listening) and 10:25 (Reading)
Groups J-P* (gr8): Feb. 4 at 8:40 (Listening) and 10:25 (Reading)
February 6: Writing
Groups D-I, P* (gr7): 8:40
Groups A-C, J-O (gr6,8): 10:35
February 10-11: Speaking
Groups D-G (gr7): Feb. 10 at 8:40
Groups A-C (gr6) and Group L (gr8) Feb. 10 at 10:20
Groups H-I (gr7) and Group J -K (gr8) Feb. 11 at 8:40
Groups M-P* (gr8) Feb. 11 at 10:20
*Group P includes both a 7th grade and an 8th grade student.
**Make-up testing will occur throughout the testing window, ending March 7. Students must make up the Listening and Reading tests before taking the Writing and Speaking tests.
For details, see the parent letter linked here.  If your child is not sure of his/her group, contact the school testing coordinator, Dr. Jennifer Kammer (864-355-2180, jkammer@greenville.k12.sc.us) or Mrs. Catherine Sever, ESOL/MLP teacher (864-355-2154, csever@greenville.k12.sc.us).

Greenville Drive All Star Reading

Earn a free ticket to a Greenville baseball game! Visit the library for more information.