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Meet your OnTrack Facilitator

Courtney Stinnett is the OnTrack Facilitator at Lakeview Middle School. In this role, they monitor student attendance, behavior, and course performance to ensure all students are on track. If a student is identified as falling off track, Courtney hosts a meeting of partners and school staff to discuss what services can best assist that student to get back on track.

OnTrack Meetings are just one thing that your OnTrack Facilitator does for your school. They assist in coordinating school wide events, work to secure supplies for students, facilitate student groups, hold parent teacher conferences, coordinate services for families in need, and more.

If you would like to know more about what it means to be an OnTrack school continue reading below, visit the website: , or contact Courtney Stinnett.


Number: 864-355-6483

This School is an OnTrack Greenville School

OnTrack Greenville’s vision is a Greenville County where all students have the tools and opportunities to achieve their full potential, graduate from high school, and become contributing members of their communities.

OnTrack Greenville’s mission is to mobilize people and resources that eliminate barriers to success for students, families, and educators.

As an initiative of United Way of Greenville County, OnTrack Greenville partners with the following schools and special programs:

To make sure all students are on track to graduate on time, every school in Greenville County monitors student attendance (A), behavior (B), and course performance (C). This allows schools to note when a student is off track in their “ABCs”. When this happens, a team of school and community professionals meet to discuss how the student can be best supported to get back on track. You may hear these referred to as “OnTrack Meetings”.


What makes OnTrack Greenville schools special is the addition of hand-selected partners and full-time staff who work with your student and the entire family. This includes services like

All of this is possible thanks to the OnTrack Facilitator and the community partners in your building. This Facilitator leads meetings, checks in on students, coordinates different opportunities and supports for your student, and helps the entire school environment be a positive and encouraging place.

OnTrack Greenville also believes in supporting the adults in the building through staff education, appreciation events, book studies, celebrations, and coaching on wellness.

OnTrack Greenville is committed to serving students in the White Horse community, improving existing programs, and responding to new needs that emerge in the schools and communities.