Principal's Welcome

Dear Parents/Guardians,


First and foremost, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your unwavering support and trust in Lakeview Middle. Your partnership in your child's education is invaluable and plays a vital role in their success. Together, we can create a positive and nurturing learning environment that fosters growth, curiosity, and achievement. 

Throughout the year, we will be organizing various events and workshops to foster a strong sense of community and engagement. We encourage you to actively participate in these activities, as they provide an opportunity for you to connect with other parents, share experiences, and strengthen our school's support network.

Open communication is key to a successful partnership between home and school. Therefore, I encourage you to reach out to your child's teachers, counselors, or our administrative team with any questions, concerns, or suggestions you may have. We value your feedback and are always eager to collaborate with you to ensure your child's educational journey is a fulfilling one.

Once again, I look forward to working closely with you and your child throughout the year. Let's make this a memorable and successful academic journey for everyone involved.


Warm regards,


Dr. Nicole Puza, Principal