Communities in Schools

Communities in Schools Logo

Impacting communities across South Carolina one student at a time. 
At Communities In Schools of South Carolina (CISSC), we are making a difference with K – 12 students in schools across the state.  We support students so they are one step closer to walking across the graduation stage and securing a more promising future.  Ultimately, we work in collaboration with our local schools and school districts to remove barriers to education, provide on-site student support, and connect community resources to families in need. 
In the past year, we served over 18,000 students across the state. We empower schools and students by increasing student attendance, improving pro-social behaviors, enhancing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and supporting academic achievement to promote on-time graduation and prepare students to enter the workforce or college. 
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Every CIS program adheres to “The Five Basics:” Every child needs and deserves…

  1. A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult.
  2. A safe place to learn and grow.
  3. A healthy start and a healthy future.
  4. A chance to give back to peers and community.
  5. A marketable skill to use upon graduation.

CIS Case Management Programs serve 175-200 students in five Greenville County Schools with Level II services, and over 3000 students with Level I services.

  1. A variety of strategies and techniques are used to create a process for a student and his or her family to increase self-sufficiency by overcoming barriers which prevent him or her from succeeding academically, socially, or behaviorally.
  2. Participant-centered goals are set based on detailed information gathered through home visits, and regular meetings with school administration, staff members, teachers, parents, and the student. Once strengths and weaknesses have been identified, community resources are secured to assist in development and implementation of the personalized action plans.
  3. Lakeview Middle School's site coordinators are 10-month school district schedule employees, with regular office hours every Monday-Friday from 8:00 - 3:30 PM.