Weekly Announcements

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Week of September 9th


Upcoming Dates and Special Events:

Monday, Sept 9th                    Wildcat Market AM                                                                              

                                                Play Blocking                                                               3:30 pm           

                                                Volleyball Game at Rudolph Gordon                            5:30 pm           

Tuesday, Sept 10th                 Beta Club Meeting                                                       3:30 pm           

                                                PTA Spirit Night: 810 Billiards & Bowling                3pm-Close     

Wednesday, Sept 11th            Concessions Sold at Lunches                                                             

                                                Volleyball Game -v- Fisher                                           5:30 pm           

Thursday, Sept 12th                Wildcat Market AM                                                                              

                                                Vampire Penguins at Lunch                                                                

                                                Play Blocking                                                               3:30 pm           

Friday, Sept 13th                    Mental Health Awareness Day                                                            


SIC Elections

We are still accepting School Improvement Council nominations. Please click on the link below to volunteer or nominate someone.  Thank you for your assistance.

2024-2025 SIC Nominations



Welcome to Lunch Bunch! HMS is seeking volunteers, parents/guardians/community members, that would like to volunteer their time during our lunch shifts to assist and monitor students. With a heartfelt request, we are hoping to receive enough volunteers to have Lunch Bunch once a month. Your presence and support can make a tremendous difference in ensuring a positive environment for our students. By volunteering, you not only assist our dedicated teachers and get to know our students, but you can also become an integral part of our school community, creating lasting memories and bonds. If you are able to dedicate your time to this great program, please sign up below. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in helping us provide the best experience for our students all while assisting our teachers at the same time.

BEFORE you are able to volunteer, you must be Level I Volunteer cleared BEFORE your volunteer date. If you are not already Level I cleared, you may complete the application at the link below. Thank you again for your continued support!


Volunteer Application for Level 1

Sign Up Genius to sign up to volunteer



·         Our PTA Officers would like to thank everyone who is volunteering to work in the Wildcat Market on Mondays and Thursdays, and for assisting with concessions. At this moment, the Wildcat Market is covered but we still need volunteers for concessions.  There will be a monthly sign-up link, which will be posted on both HMS PTA Facebook page, and the school’s Facebook page.   Concessions are every Wednesdays during all lunches. 

·         We have our first Spirit Night on September 10th at 810 Billiards and Bowling. This information can also be found on both PTA and School Facebook pages.  

·         Congratulations to Nicole Hart and Jennifer Smith! They are the winners of the carline raffle. As a reminder to everyone, the two parking spaces in front of the building marked with a traffic cone are reserved for the raffle winners. Please do not park in these spaces after 2:00 pm…thank you!

It's great to be a Wildcat where we are Caring, Committed, and Connected!