Attendance Information

Attendance Information

Welcome! We hope the information you find here is helpful and answers any questions you have about student attendance for the school year. Below are a few reminders to help you and your student have a successful year at HMS!
Attendance Clerk: Jeremy Duhig  |  864-355-6101  |

Absence Procedures

  • Please remember that upon returning to school after an absence, the student must bring either a handwritten note to the front office or complete the online form upon arrival to school. The note should contain the following:

-Student’s legal first & last name
-Date (s) missed
-Reason for the absence
-Parent or guardian’s signature

Online Absence Note Form

Absence notes and doctor's excuses can also be faxed to (864) 355-6120.


Procedures for Absences

-1st period class begins at 8:30 AM. Students who arrive to class after 8:30 AM are tardy.
-Students must attend at least half of a class period in order to be counted as present for a class.
-A student must be present at least three hours or be in school for 180 minutes to be considered present for the day.
-Absences must be verified with a parent or medical note within two days of the absence or it is considered unlawful/unexcused absence. Parents may submit emailed or scanned doctor notes.
-Three consecutive absences or a total of 5 unexcused absences trigger a student as truant. Notes must be sent to the Attendance Office.
-A student can only have a maximum of 10 lawfully explained parent notes to validate their absence.
-A High School Credit class requires “seat time recovery” for any unexcused absence beyond the 10th day for year-long courses or 5 days for semester courses. Only 10 parent notes for year-long courses or 5 parent notes for semester courses are accepted as excused absences. Medical notes are excluded from the 10-day absence count. Seat time recovery may require additional time after school.                                                                                                                                                                                 -No early dismissals after 2:45!

Click here to download a copy of the GCS Attendance Policies & Procedures

Attendance Policy Contract

High School Course Attendance Contract