1220 Old Grove Rd ♦ Piedmont, S.C.29673 ♦ 864-355-5900 ♦ FAX: 864-355-5965
Sunday, September 8, 2024
At Grove Elementary, we believe that...
All students deserve an environment that is nurturing, safe and where cultural diversity is respected, and celebrated.
All students can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become productive citizens and members of society; therefore, students will excel in an environment that engages them in rigorous academics that promotes higher level thinking, creative thinking and questioning.
Students learn in different ways; therefore, teachers must provide a variety of approaches to support the diverse learning styles in every classroom.
The whole child must be nurtured in a variety of ways; therefore, physical activities, advancements in technology, the fine arts, character development, and extra-curricular activities must compliment a rigorous academic program.
Assessment of student learning must provide a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate the achievement of rigorous standards.
Students, parents, staff and community members must form a caring unit that values each individual student’s unique needs.
The school program should foster leadership opportunities both in the school environment and throughout the community as well.
Collegiality and teaming for excellence is central to the decision-making process. All aspects of the learning environment must be committed to continuous improvement for all.
School Colors: Blue & White School Mascot: Eagle
School Programs/Features
Multi-Lingual Instruction
Response to Intervention
Early Reading Intervention
Focused Differentiation
Challenge Program
Title I
Reduced Class Size
Classroom Materials
Professional Development for Teachers
Bilingual Translation and Parent Involvement Coordinator
Parent Education/Information Classes
Universal Breakfast and Lunch Program
PTA Nights - Math, Literacy, Community Fair
Anti-Bullying Curriculum and Character Education Program