Making a Smooth Transition to Middle School ......"The years of middle school are marked by change. One day your child is loving and respectful. The next day, she* acts as though she is a creature from the dark. If you are noticing these changes, you can be sure that your child is noticing them, too. The changes might be stirring up emotions of insecurity about her outward appearance and her academic, social or athletic abilities. This Parent Guide will help you smooth out this very difficult transition."
How to Help Your Struggling Student ..... "School is a joy, and learning is a delightful challenge. But for many others, the path is very different. Somewhere along the way, school becomes a frustration. And learning goes from being a challenge to being a struggle. It’s hard for everyone in the family when this happens to a child. The child is not able to cope with what is expected of him. Parents feel frustration and bewilderment because they want to help their child. Often, it’s hard to know what to do first. That’s where this Parent Guide comes in. In the information that follows, you’ll learn how to identify your child’s difficulties and receive some direction for addressing them."
Teachers' Top 10 Learning Secrets Parents Can Use ....."The support and guidance you provide at home can make all the difference in how successful yourchild is in school. This Parent Guide shares 10 of the very best learning secrets that teachers suggest you can use at home."
Seven Proven Ways to Motivate Children to Do Better in School ......."There are many ways to motivate children based on their temperament. However, this guide will spotlight seven ways proven to work for nearly every child. Implement these ideas, and you will assure your child of your loving support—and that may be the best motivation your child could ever receive."
The Following Guides Are From The South Carolina Education Oversight Committee
A Guide for Parents and Families About What Your 6th Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year...This guide shares important information about the South Carolina Curriculum Standards. These standards outline state requirements for your child’s learning program and what students across the state should be able to do in certain subjects. Spanish Version click here.
A Guide for Parents and Families About What Your 7th Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year .... This guide shares important information about the South Carolina Curriculum Standards. These standards outline state requirements for your child’s learning program and what students across the state should be able to do in certain subjects. Spanish Version click here.
A Guide for Parents and Families About What Your 8th Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year .... This guide shares important information about the South Carolina Curriculum Standards. These standards outline state requirements for your child’s learning program and what students across the state should be able to do in certain