Fork Shoals parents and family are welcome in our school. Please let us know how we can be of help to you to make your experiences and your child's experience at Fork Shoals the best!
There are multiple opportunities for you to volunteer at Fork Shoals. Click here for an electronic whiteboard of teachers' needs. Contact the school office or a PTA board member for more information. We want you to be an active part of your child's education.
Student Accident Insurance
Greenville County Schools K-12 Student Accident Insurance is offered as a service to parents. Coverage can be school-time or 24-hours. For more information,
Student Accident Insurance Information.
If you have concerns about your child and need to communicate with the School Counselors, please complete the following form and submit to Ms. Edwards or Ms Stukenborg.
Greenville County Schools forms
To report Bullying use this link: REPORT BULLYING
Greenville County Schools believes that technology is an important resource for enhancing the education of students with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning. To provide students with access to web-based resources and to comply with federal regulations, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), pertaining to the confidentiality of student information, Greenville County Schools has considered the educational value of and entered into agreements with several third-party computer software applications and web-based services. These third-party providers include Edmodo, Google Apps for Education, Office 365 for Education, and other similar educational programs.
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act – COPPA
Directory Information Annual Notice Link
SAVE Act Information for Parents - The Safe Access to Vital Epinephrine (SAVE) Act, recently approved by the South Carolina Legislature, allows school districts to store supplies of epinephrine auto-injectors for identified school staff to use in emergencies for students with allergic reactions. Click here for a protocol for schools document from Student Health Services.
VISITORS/VOLUNTEERS MUST WEAR A VISITOR’S BADGE AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN THE BUILDING. Every person must sign in with a Photo ID in at the front office upon arrival and sign out upon leaving. Everyone will be crossed checked against the sexual offenders database since these are adults who may work with children. Parents are welcome at school any time. Arrangements must be made in advance with the principal and/or teacher before visiting or observing in a classroom. Parents may not visit on our playground during recess time. This is a time that requires the teacher's undivided attention on the students. If there is a special need to observe a child's social activity, it must be arranged with the teacher and/or the principal.
Please click here for Greenville County Schools' school visitor and volunteer guidelines.
Below is a video link for all parents or guardians to review to help ensure a successful home/school relationship. Greenville County Schools and PTA (Parent Teacher Association) partnered to produce this video which gives suggestions and tips on a productive partnership.