
Goals and Objectives
Greenville County Schools is pleased to be able to provide a personal device for every student in grades K12 to be used in the classroom to enhance the educational experience. Greenville County teachers are preparing students for jobs and careers that will be heavily focused on technology. For students, the ability to use technology efficiently to get work done, creatively to produce work and effectively to communicate and collaborate with others will be critical to survive the 21st Century workplace.

Greenville County believes that it is our responsibility to prepare students for all paths of life including future education and future careers, especially careers that do not exist currently. We believe we must provide students with the skills necessary to adapt to change in a century that has seen change more rapidly than any previous century.

It is the goal of Greenville County Schools to prepare students for the future, even though the future is unknown. We must provide students with the tools necessary to adapt and change in a world that changes rapidly. The personalized learning initiative will:

Extend student learning beyond the walls of the classroom
Prepare students to be safe, responsible and innovative digital citizens
Engage students in real-world problems by collaborating with others in the classroom and across the world
Enable students to take responsibility for their own learning
Provide students with the tools to be successful in their future endeavors in higher education and/or careers
Provide equal access to technology and tools to all students in order to provide equal opportunities for all students
Personal Device Objectives
The mission of the Personal Learning Device Chromebook Initiative at Woodland Elementary School is to collaboratively foster learning with an engaging and challenging environment that will prepare our students for middle school, high school, and beyond. The Chromebook will enable teachers to create a student-centered, student-driven environment that encourages innovation and creativity. In an ever-growing, globalized society, students will be able to use their personal device as a gateway to information, and as a means to collaborate with others. The staff will be provided with continual support and professional development to assist in the development of high-quality instruction for all students.

Goals and Objectives of the Program
Goal 1: Increase literacy skills through classroom instruction for students including fluency and reading for pleasure and to gain information for personal and academic use.

Objective 1: Provide necessary technology and training for students and teachers to facilitate pleasure reading and for informational text.
Objective 2: Provide reading materials to students and staff.
Objective 3: Utilize specific programs/applications for supplemental instruction in reading, math, science, and social studies.
Objective 4: Provide supporting accessories for technology for staff and students.
Goal 2: Increase student achievement by implementing state standards through the use of technological applications of informational text.

Objective 1: Utilize tech-books, when available, in science, social studies, ELA, and math for instruction.
Objective 2: Implement the use of virtual field trips and video conferencing to fill gaps in background knowledge and vocabulary deficits.
Objective 3: Implement literary studies and information analysis in Gifted and Talented and English/Language Arts through digital media.
Goal 3: Woodland Elementary School teachers will utilize available technology to prepare and engage students in 21st Century learning.

Objective 1: Provide professional development for teachers and staff on utilizing tech books and e-readers.
Objective 2: Provide students and parents with the skills necessary to engage themselves into a digital world.
Objective 3: Provide opportunities for students and parents to become financially invested in 21st century education.


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