Student Clubs

Are you interested in starting a new club at Sterling?  We welcome parents to sponsor a club that your child is interested in.  Please complete this Club Interest Google Form and Ms. Foulkes will reach out to discuss the possibility of getting that club started.

Student Clubs

3rd Grade Book Club: Anyone interested in joining will complete a parent permission slip, which will include the list of books and reviews. Meetings will be every Tuesday morning from 7:15-7:40 starting September 10th in the library. Sponsors: Mrs. Matthews & Mrs. Sheppard

Art Honors Society: Do you love creating ART? Are you interested in a fun club that bridges ART with like minded friends? Come to the art room on Tuesday or Thursday. September 17th or 19th and find out if this club is for you. Any student from 6th - 8th grade who is going to be taking a MS Art Class this semester or next semester is welcome. See Mrs. Harrington or Mrs. Spitler if you have any questions.

Battle of the Books (BOB): Clubs are now full.

Team 1 – Region Competition Team, Grades 4 & 5, Students on this team will compete for top 5 spots to represent Sterling School at Region & District Competitions. Parent permission slip required. Check out the Book List. Sponsors: Mrs. Matthews & Mrs. Sheppard

Team 2 – School Wide Team Grades 4 & 5, Students on this team will compete in March/April in teams against one another in front of 3rd - 5th grade classes. Check out the Book List. Sponsors: Mrs. Matthews & Mrs. Sheppard

Team 3 – Middle School Team, Grades 6-8, Students on this team will compete for top 5 spots to represent Sterling School at Region & District Competitions. Parent permission slip required. Check out the Book List. Club Sponsors: Mrs. Matthews & Mrs. Sheppard.

Board game Club:  Club is now full.

Chess Club:
Option 1 - Free-play just for fun (dependent on parent volunteers helping for at least one week)

Option 2 - Paid lessons offered through Think Move Chess Academy

The 2 groups will run simultaneously in two different rooms on the same days.
Registration is DUE BY: Friday, January 17th
If you choose lessons, the cost is: $150 for 10 weeks and should be paid to Sterling School with either cash or check. Students may deliver the payment to Ms. Foulkes in the front office first thing in the morning. (Be sure to note your child's name, grade and homeroom teacher with the payment.)
Questions can be directed to: Ms. Foulkes 

CTC Junior Beta Club: Students and families, it is time to join or renew your interest in continuing to be a part of the Middle School Junior Beta Club. Typically, students are invited to join Jr. Beta Club in 5th grade and participate in a special Induction Ceremony. If your child meets the qualifications, they are encouraged to continue their service in the Middle School Jr. Beta Club. National Beta is the largest, independent, educational youth organization in America. The four pillars that drive our work and opportunities are: Academic Achievement, Character, Leadership and Service. Membership Requirements

Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Club: DD is a fun role playing Game where you fight monsters, solve mysteries, look for treasure, create many different characters and personalities, and have the most fun possible! Students in grades 4-6 are invited to register to participate. We will meet on Thursdays from 2:30 - 4:00 in Ms. Parks classroom. There is a $5 materials fee. The club will begin meeting on Thursday, November 14th. Register required.

Flying Saucers - Disc Golf:  Students in grades 6-8 can join Ms. Rouse on Mondays after school from 2:30 - 3:30 for disc golf.  This club will meet twice a month beginning on September 23rd.  Must register.  Forms available from Ms. Rouse.

Griffin Glee Club: Griffin Glee Club is here, where every note is a new adventure! Whether you sing alone at home or you are a stage star, this is the place to let your voice shine. We will be singing and having a blast while learning new songs and singing familiar songs as well. No experience is needed-just bring your love for music and a positive attitude. Come make new friends, learn cool songs, and be part of something truly awesome.

This club will be holding auditions on September 16 and 17. Please audition form due date has passed. Sponsors: Mrs. Johnston and/or Mrs. Ledford

HAM Radio Club: Middle school students grades 6-8 to learn about this amateur radio that allows you to communicate with others near by, across town, or across the world without the internet or cell service.  This club will meet on Wednesdays, from 2:30 - 3:30 beginning November 13th.  Sign up required.

Library Cadets: Grades 5-8: Club is now full

Pickleball Club:  Club is now full.

Running Club: Club is now full.

Volleyball Club: Club is now full. This is an indoor, CO-ED club that will meet in our school gym from 2:30 - 3:30 on Thursdays - beginning on Thursday, January 23rd. The club will run for 7 weeks to start and may be extended.

Yearbook Club - 5th Grade: Club is now full. Elementary yearbook club is for 5th graders only. Two representatives from each homeroom are selected to help compile the elementary yearbook. Applications required for joining. Sponsor: Mrs. Matthews & Mrs. Sheppard

More to come...