Simpsonville Elementary Teacher of the Year

2012 -2013 SES Teacher of the Year Mrs. Sharon Clyborne

Since childhood, my dream was to become a teacher.   I have memories of spending lots of time playing school with friends, family, stuffed animals and anyone else who would let me be the teacher!

I graduated from Furman University with a Bachelor’s Degree in elementary education and a Master’s degree in special education.  I also earned National Board Certification in 2012.  I have taught at Monaview Elementary and Simpsonville Elementary for a total of 23 years. All but one of those years was teaching first graders.

I want to create a classroom environment where students feel safe, where we demonstrate mutual respect, and where learning takes place. In my role as a facilitator, I empower my students to take responsibility for their learning! I provide cooperative learning experiences where students learn by “doing,” and they learn from one another. Young children enjoy learning and are like little sponges just waiting to absorb all we have to offer!

First graders are so loving, giving and forgiving. All the hugs and love notes I get throughout the year are hard to beat. Little eyes are watching every move I make and little ears are listening so I strive to be the best example I can be for my little friends. I have, without a doubt, the best job in the world!

Simpsonville Elementary Nurse Sherri Wilson Named South Carolina School Nurse of the Year

Sherri WilsonSimpsonville Elementary School Nurse Sherri Wilson has been named South Carolina School Nurse of the Year. The award is presented annually by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control and the SC Department of Education to publicly recognize the outstanding contributions of a school nurse. She was named GCS School Nurse of the Year in December.

Nurse Sherri is known for putting smiles on the faces of students and staff. “There have been many times I’ve gone by the health room and seen parents or staff members there for a dose of Sherri’s encouragement,” said Simpsonville Elementary Principal Jan James.

In addition to daily responsibilities for more than 800 students and 80 staff members, she keeps staff up to date on procedural changes, alerts teachers if students have medical issues requiring special monitoring, and leads the school’s First Response Team. Assistant Principal Jackie Earle commended her “above and beyond” efforts which include organizing vision and hearing screenings and emailing health tips to staff each week.

One parent expressed her gratitude for Nurse Sherri when her daughter became very sick with a serious stomach illness requiring hospitalization. “Nurse Sherri called every day and stayed in touch with us. After returning to school, she took it upon herself to talk with our daughter daily and work with the cafeteria manager about her diet and food intake,” she said.

Congratulations to Sherri Wilson, South Carolina School Nurse of the Year!