Communities In Schools of Greenville is a local affiliate of a national non-profit agency, whose mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Communities In Schools of Greenville provides targeted case management, holistic afterschool programs, parenting supports, behavioral interventions, and community referrals—all offered in a school-based setting. Communities In Schools recognizes that each of these problems typically is a symptom of larger problems. Our Site Coordinators, therefore, work diligently to build one-on-one relationships with the children and parents we serve so that we might uncover the true barriers preventing the child or family’s success and to develop strategies so they may become more successful academically, socially, physically, and behaviorally. All Communities In Schools of Greenville programs include regular home visits, a lengthy needs assessment, and evaluations of effectiveness.
Every CIS program adheres to “The Five Basics:” Every child needs and deserves…
CIS Case Management Programs serve 175-200 students in five Greenville County Schools with Level II services, and over 3000 students with Level I services.