Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Click here to visit the Freshman Academy Website.
Paige Baker, Freshman Academy Administrator
Southside High School Freshman Academy Overview/Purpose
At Southside High school we will facilitate and promote the success of all students starting in the 9th grade to build the foundation for high school, college, and lifetime achievement. The Freshman Academy is a comprehensive program that strives to provide each 9th grade student with a rigorous and nurturing learning environment that ensures a smooth transition from middle to high school. Freshman Academy teachers and administrators will work collaboratively to establish structures and extra resources in a small learning community for 9th grade students. Freshman Academy goals will include increasing the promotion rate for all 9th grade students, increasing the combined passage rate on End of Course Examinations, decreasing the total number of discipline referrals, increasing the attendance rate, and increasing parental involvement. Finally, we will enthusiastically promote good citizenship and character through positive feedback, consistent discipline, and an extensive Character Education Program.
Through a challenging and nurturing environment, 9th grade students will experience success on academic, social, and emotional levels. Freshman Academy teachers and leaders will work together to facilitate student growth and achievement. Students will develop into strong advocates for their success as lifelong learners.
We provide 9th grade students with a challenging and nurturing learning environment that ensures a smooth transition to high school and equips them with the necessary knowledge base and skills that enables them to excel throughout high school and beyond.
Freshman Academy Goals