Please adhere to the No Cell Phone Zone signs posted on campus. Safe Kids Upstate, a program dedicated to reducing the unintentional injury of children under the age of 14, would like for you to be aware of the risk of talking on your cell phone while driving.
No Cell Phone Zone Information | Zona de No Uso del Teléfono Celular
Monarch has a comprehensive safety plan in place to address a variety of emergency conditions. The plans are reinforced through drills with students and at regular meetings of staff. Our plan stresses prevention; our goal is to be prepared. The following is a parent-friendly version.
Visitor Procedures: All campus visitors in the building, including parents and school volunteers, enter via the office first and sign-in so that their presence in the building is known. All visitors must wear a badge identifying them as visitors who have checked in with the office. Any individual who does not display a badge will be asked by a staff member to report to the office. Anyone seen on campus without a visitor badge or volunteer badge will be asked about their presence. “May I help you?” is a common question heard when greeting someone without a nametag. Parents and volunteers have the right to ask about someone’s presence too. We all have to work as a team. Should someone not have a badge, they should be brought to the front office for proper sign in. All campus visitors are asked to sign out upon departures.
Fire Drill Procedures: Fire Drills are conducted monthly. Evacuation routes are posted in each classroom. Each area has a specific escape route during a fire drill evacuation.
Tornado and Severe Thunderstorms Procedures: While hurricanes are predictable, tornadoes and severe thunderstorms can occur suddenly. In addition to following appropriate evacuation procedures, school staff must understand the conditions and resources associated with severe weather conditions and safety.
The following precautions and procedures apply to tornado, hurricane, and all other types of severe storms:
Bomb Threat Procedures Do not turn on or off any electronic device or use the school-walkie talkie radios until emergency responders give clearance. Evacuate to evacuation areas (move as far as possible away from school). Mrs. Overman will contact 911 and a designated staff member will contact the District Hotline (355-8890). Staff is trained in processing telephone threats and in completing the Threat Assessment Checklist to provide school and law enforcement with information. No one must touch anything that looks suspicious. Personnel will report observations to Mrs. Overman. Teachers will exit the building with students and should take with them their Emergency Folder. Teachers will account for all students and notify your Evacuation Area Leaders of any missing student.
Lock Down Procedures Should a situation occur such as a intruder on campus or other potential threat, the school administration will have a lock down. An announcement will be made that signals all staff to take action. Monarch Elementary has procedures in place to prepare for a lock down. All exterior doors are locked which secures the building during the school day. The school participates in scheduled drills. When an announcement signals a lock down, the entire school and visitors in the building stay in a secure place behind locked doors. There is no movement in the building until the administration provides an "all clear." Emergency information will come from designated school officials.