Graduation Plus is a district-wide initiative from Pre-K through high school to ensure all students are college and career ready.
School Readiness for all Children
Elementary (Grades K-5)
Building Strong Foundations and Initial Career Exposure
Strategy 1: Implement and refine, as appropriate, a process for the continuous development and updating of 21st Century curriculum that is innovative and rigorous for all students
1.1.6 – Continue to develop and create course offerings to model explicit career specialties and career clusters for the 21st Century (STEM, STEAM, career centers, magnet schools, etc.)
Strategy 2: Develop and implement innovative, research-based instructional delivery models that meet the needs of all students
1.2.2 – Emphasize differentiation and/or individualization of instruction through innovative, research-based instructional practices including the following:
a. student driven technology
b. One-to-one and personal electronic student devices
c. 21st Century learning environments
d. Inquiry-based learning
e. Project-based learning
f. Project Lead the Way
g. Flipped classroom
h. Virtual learning
i. Hybrid models (virtual/face to face)
j. Flexible grouping structures (multiage)
k. Mastery learning
l. Seat-time flexibility
m. Career clusters
n. Single gender
o. Coordinated Approach to Child Health (C.A.T.C.H)
q. Fitness Gram
r. Smart Arts Integration program
s. Design Thinking
t. Academic vocabulary
u. Rigorous, language-based and vocabulary building strategies for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students
v. Creative and targeted classroom accommodations and modifications for diverse learners
Support of Strategic Plan
1.2.5 - Provide increased opportunities for students to participate in rigorous courses that award high school and/or college credit through partnerships with higher education and other institutions
a. Clemson University
b. Greenville Technical College
c. South Carolina Governor’s School for Math and Science
1.2.6 - Challenge and accelerate student learning at all levels and through various innovative learning opportunities
a. Continue to offer high school credit in middle schools
b. Continue to provide AP course offerings through multiple delivery models
c. Ensure an appropriate number of teaching positions for the Challenge program
d. Develop school-based technology plans to expand access to technology for all students
e. Refine and replicate opportunities for students to explore career options
f. Improve use of Roper Mountain Science Center to enhance instructional experiences in all content areas
g. Increase opportunities for students to participate in Project Lead the Way and Gateway to Technology
h. Provide support for inquiry-based strategies for teaching science in elementary classrooms
1.2.7 - Design, implement and evaluate innovative research-based, non-traditional delivery models to close achievement gaps, raise achievement, and increase the graduation rate
a. Virtual School
b. Twilight School
c. STAR Academies
d. Middle School Alternative Program
e. High School Alternative Program
f. Group Homes
g. Home Bound
h. Residential Treatment Facilities
i. Early College
j. Freshman Academies
k. High Schools That Work
l. Making Middle Grades Work
m. Project Lead the Way
n. Gateway to Technology
o. Single gender options
p. Strategies to impact “summer slide”
q. Flexible scheduling options
r. Research-based models for increased learning time (longer school day or year)
Focus on the gap between a student’s capability and what he/she is expected to do.
Strategy 5: Ensure all students are prepared for the challenges of higher education and careers in the 21st Century
1.5.1 - Redesign career technology centers’ core mission and course offerings to better model explicit career specialties and career clusters (see Long Range Facilities Plan)
a. Increase participation of all students in career center programs
b. Expand program opportunities to meet the needs and interests of students
1.5.9 - Ensure that all students are reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade by implementing the following strategies:
a. Fully implement balanced literacy framework in grades 5K-2nd
b. Align balanced literacy and Common Core State Standards with the PreK curriculum
c. Implement and monitor Response to Intervention for identified students and ensure full implementation with fidelity of research-based, district-endorsed instructional strategies.
d. Investigate assessment systems to identify struggling readers
1.5.10 - Continue to provide support for students in preparation for college and/or career
a. IGPs (Individualized Graduation Plans) created for all 8th graders
b. IGPs monitored and adjusted throughout high school years, based on student need
c. Annual college fair for juniors and seniors
d. Annual career fair for seniors
e. Annual college application days
f. ACT and SAT preparation
g. Scholarship and financial aid
1.5.12 - Ensure inclusive practices by developing targeted academic and career programs that meet the needs of diverse learners
1.5.13 - Offer special programming options and alternatives for all students, as appropriate
a. Career center/cluster activities
b. Job shadowing and coaching
c. Work experience
d. Challenge programs
e. Fine arts programs
f. Satellite/Therapy supports
Strategy 6: Actively engage community members and other stakeholders in the development of the whole child
1.6.2 - Increase communication with all parents and students to make them aware of educational opportunities (Gifted and Talented, Advanced Placement, IB, Magnet, Fine Arts, Dual Credit)
a. Develop strategies to effectively include historically underrepresented populations
b. Develop workshops for parents on various topics (reading in the home, behavior management, post-secondary options)
c. Increase availability of web-based resources (online tutorials for parents and students)
d. Increase the number of credentialed interpreters (multiple languages)
1.6.6 - Continue to provide support to parents during college and career preparation
a. Increase parental participation during the annual college fair provided for junior and seniors
b. Increase parental participation in the annual financial aid workshops
1.6.15 - Continue building relationships with community, businesses and post-secondary training/educational agencies.
a. Vocational Rehabilitation
b. Continuum of Care
c. Local Business/Job training locations
d. Community and vocational colleges and institutions
e. Universities
f. Civic organizations
g. Department of Social Services
h. Mental Health