3000 East Gap Creek Rd ♦ Greer, S.C.29651 ♦ 864-355-5700 ♦ FAX: 864-355-1585
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Media Center Conduct
Students must follow the established rules of acceptable behavior listed below. Failure to comply will result in students being asked to separate from others, going back to class, or being issued a discipline referral.
Must wear school ID at all times
Must have a pass (student name, date, time, teacher signature and purpose) during school day except lunch, before and after school
Must sign in and out on designated computer anytime you enter or exit media center.
No food and drink, except bottled water, allowed in the media center.
No cell phones, hats or earbuds allowed as per school policy.
If not with a class, sit at computers #1-6
Do not move the furniture.
Follow directions from all library media center staff.
Computers are for school projects only. No games during class block periods.
Leave computer settings as found.
Clean up after yourself.
Respect others, our equipment and materials. This means keeping your voice down so as not to disturb others who may be studying, reading, etc.